Microservices: just a trend or real evolution?
I had a discussion with my colleague about the necessary coding style
changes in microservice development. In my opinion we should revise
our practices for simplifications, because we socialized on code
reusability in monoliths and these new kids on the block are playing
differently. At the end of the discussion he asked a question from
“Is the microservice architecture is a trend or evolution?
Lot of pages listing why do we need microservices
and writing long-long lists about their magical nature, but I think
it has two main reasons: scalability and development time.
In some blog post the list has more items like:
resilience(no, just restarts faster...)- easy to enhance (I said the same with development time)
ease of deployment (Bahhh. Releasing and integrating 50-100 microservices couldn't be easier then releasing a single monolith, but different...)Single Responsibility(yeah, serve the business logic, provide proper logging and incident handling, integrate with other services, deliver KPI metrics, being resilient, etc...– hahaha....)Low impact on other services(due the the SRP in the previous point, I have doubts about how low is the impact when others are depending on it...)- etc...